Universal Encoder - UE
Supplied By: Seismic Source Company, USA
Rs. 0.00
The Universal Encoder will control the following units:
SSC Force Two Vibrator Control Units
SSC Boom Box Dynamite Blaster Units
Vib Pro TM Vibrator Control Units
Shot Pro TM Dynamite Blaster Units
Shot Pro TM II Dynamite Blaster Units
SSC Weight Drop Control Units
Source Control Software
Universal control software allows observer to easily switch between seismic sources: vibrators, dynamite, weight drop. Single software program allows the following operation:
Receives Vibrator PSS information
Receives Blaster PFS information
Receive GPS position from Source control units
Receives Shot Status information from Weight Drop Control Unit
Receives and Analyzes Radio Similarities
Sends and Receives Force-Two control parameters
Sends and Receives Force-Two sweep parameters
Sends and Receives Recording Trunk information to ARAM, I-O, Sercel, Ascend, VibTech, Geometrics, and other recording systems
FORCE-TWO Universal Encoder Specifications:
Operating Voltage: 11-36 VDC
Power: 18 Watt
Dimensions: 4x6x12"
Weight: 10 lbs
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