Flash and Fire Point Tester
Supplied By: Swan Scientific LLP
Rs. 0.00
The automatic Cleveland Open-Cup (COC) measures and describes the properties of a sample in response to heat and a test flame under controlled conditions. The flash point measures the tendency to form a flammable mixture with air while the fire point indicates the tendency of sustained burning.
Memory for 1000 tests, 20 operators, 100 sample names, 21 test methods.
Statistical analysis (Min, Max, Mean, Repeatability).
Measures flash points of silicone samples without any problems.
Automatically lights up the test flame, relights it by an electric igniter and suppresses the gas source at the end of the test.
Test initiation by pre-installed standard test methods and ability to customize methods by 10 user-defined programs.
Alert messages for out-of-spec results.
Pt100 sample temperature probe calibration either by dynamic calibration against certified ASTM thermometer or by correction table with 21 calibration points.
Calibration protocol printout.
5.7” color graphics display shows real-time measurement.
Menu navigation by jog shuttle system with easy turn-and-push operation and color-coded LED indication for each operation mode.
Data handling via USB stick for import into MS Excel® or to LIMS.
PC-software FPPNet (optional) for convenient remote handling and test data storage.
Automatic skin removal kit (optional).
Draft deflector (optional).
Stainless steel or glass (optional) sample temperature probe Pt100.
CLA 5 is suitable for flash and fire point applications of lubricants or bituminous material.
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